Painting systems - painting containers - painting systems

Painting plants - painting halls - painting containers - painting technology - painting booths - painting rooms - drying systems

SAPI is a manufacturer of painting and drying technology. Our delivery program includes paint shops, paint shops, paint containers, paint booths, paint rooms and suction walls.

Our painting systems can be equipped with a wide variety of drying systems. The drying system can be fired using gas or oil. It is also possible to dry the paints using an infrared drying system.

Our high-performance painting systems are also suitable for almost any paint system.

Thanks to the latest filter technology and extraction technology, our paint shops, paint containers, paint shops and paint systems meet all applicable standards and energy regulations.

Thanks to our more than 50 years of experience in sandblasting technology, we also have the option of producing combined blasting and painting rooms and installing them on-site at the customer.

We also offer complete solutions including transport systems and conveyor systems for material handling. The conveyor technology can be planned with crossings, switch systems and lifting and lowering stations. This enables economical and fast work.

Our painting systems are planned and manufactured on a customer-specific basis. We can manufacture painting systems for smaller parts of the plant up to turnkey painting halls for railway wagons.

We would be happy to advise you on the planning and design of your painting project. Contact us! We would be happy to visit you on-site.

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